Virtual Artisan Village

Calatayud (Zaragoza)
22. 23 and 24 September
Arts & Crafts Fair
For the third edition of this authentic Arts and Crafts Fair we move to the Paseo Cortes de Aragón, where we will set up some 25 Artesanía de Autor® stalls, with workshops, board games, soap bubble shows and background music.
We celebrate Amata's 25th anniversary with a contest of unique pieces, made by the fair's participants. We invite you to stop by the stalls, look at the pieces in the contest and vote for the piece you like best.
We open on Friday from 6 till 10 pm; on Saturday and Sunday opening times are from 11 am till 2 pm and then again from 5 till 11 pm, although on Sunday we close at 9 pm.
The photographs on this page are from last year's fair on the Plaza de España.

Friday 22 September
18:00 Opening of the fair
20:00 Workshop for children: making a purse recycling jeans
21:00 Soap bubble show
22:00 Time to close
Saturday 23 September
11:00 Opening of the stalls
12:00 Workshop for children: making a wire ring
13:00 Soap bubble show
14:00 Lunch break
17:00 Opening of the stalls
18:30 Workshop for children: making juggling balls
20:30 Soap bubble show
22:00 Time to close
Sunday 24 September
11:00 Opening of the stalls
12:00 Workshop for children: making a Ojo de Díos (God's eye)
13:00 Soap bubble show
14:00 Lunch break
17:00 Opening of the stalls
19:00 Soap bubble show
20:00 Counting of the votes and reward ceremony of the unique pieces contest
21:00 End of the fair
To see on Google Maps how to get to the market, you can click on the image below.