Virtual Artisan Village
La Mata (Torrevieja)
27, 28 and 29 October
Original Arts and Crafts Fair
In the beautiful Plaza Encarnación Puchol, in the centre of La Mata on the coast of Torrevieja, we set up an authentic craft fair with many craft demonstrations, workshops for children, board games and live music by the Sol Redó minstrels.
We celebrate Amata's 25th anniversary with a contest of unique pieces, made by the fair's participants. We invite you to stop by the stalls, look at the pieces in the contest and vote for the piece you like best.
We open on Friday, the 27th of October from 5 till 9 pm; on Saturday and Sunday we open from 11 am till 2 pm and then again from 5 till 9 pm, although on Sunday we close a little earlier.
This fair is a part of the "Mes de Comercio Local" (the "month of local businesses"); if you want to see the programme of the whole month, you can click here.
The photographs on this page are from last year's fair.
You can watch the different craft demonstrations at the stalls of the corresponding artisans.
Friday 27 October
17:00 Opening of the fair
18:00 Presentation of the unique pieces contest
18:30 Musical parade by Sol Redó
19:00 Workshop for children: making a wire ring
19:30 Musical parade by Sol Redó
21:00 Closing of the fair
18:00-21:00 pottery workshop and demonstrations of stone carving and loom weaving
Saturday 28 October
09:30 Yoga class organised by Vivefit gym
11:00 Opening of the fair
11:30 Musical parade by Sol Redó
12:00 Craft demonstration: working glass with a blowtorch
12:30 Workshop for children making a musical instrument from bamboo
13:00 Musical parade by Sol Redó
14:00 Break for lunch
17:00 Opening of the fair
17:30 Musical parade by Sol Redó
18:00 Craft demonstration: making a lamp from a pumpkin
18:45 Musical parade by Sol Redó
19:00 Workshop for children: making a leather belt
19:30 Craft demonstration: painting a portrait
20:00 Musical parade by Sol Redó
21:00 Closing of the fair
11:30 - 13:30 and 18:00-21:00 pottery workshop and demonstrations of stone carving and loom weaving
Sunday 29 October
11:00 Opening of the fair
11:30 Musical parade by Sol Redó
12:00 Craft demonstration: painting a portrait
12:30 Workshop for children: painting a fabric pennant
13:00 Craft demonstration: making a lamp from a pumpkin
13:30 Musical parade by Sol Redó
14:00 Break for lunch
17:00 Opening of the fair
17:30 Musical parade by Sol Redó
18:00 Craft demonstration: working glass with a blowtorch
18:30 Counting of votes and presentation of prizes for the unique pieces contest
19:00 Musical parade by Sol Redó
20:00 End of the fair
11:30-13:30 18:00-20:00 pottery workshop and demonstrations of stone carving and loom weaving
To see on Google Maps how to get to the market, you can click on the image below.